I have been reminding myself the need to bring my worries to God and leave them their at His feet believing and knowing that he will take care of them (the kids). David cries out in the Psalms repeatedly but he always ends the same way. And that way is one of surrender and thankfulness. Jason asked the kids what they where most thankful for during this time of sickness. I loved that he asked them and it was amazing that they all responding quickly and cheerfully. As the caregiver and nurse in times of sickness, I need to ask myself the same question. What am I thankful for? I love comforting my kids. I love rubbing their backs and pulling back their hair so that it stays clean amidst the foulness. I love giving them warm baths. I love snuggling with them during a movie. I love praying with them and teaching them to weather the sick storm with cheerfulness. I love finding them something to eat that sounds good amidst the carnival ride in their stomachs. And I love that God is constantly taking care of me the same way every day!
The other thing I remind myself when they are sick, is that we are going somewhere, we are preparing for something other then this time. And that my kids really are Gods children more then they are mine. And that he cares for them more then I can! "Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven," I do not know why sickness makes me think of this verse but it does. Maybe it is because I feel how inadequate I am. Maybe it is that I see how fragile our bodies are. But that verse sticks with me when we are sick and helps me remember the journey that I am on and the journey that my children are on.
If sickness comes your way soon, try to remember amidst the caring and nursing, to be a cheerful servant. To be a comfort to your children as God is a comfort to you. To pray for them and not to worry and fuss over them. To cast all of your cares on Him and go to Him for strength and encouragement. To remember that it is all apart of the race set before you. It is all apart of the journey God is giving you and that He is right their with you.
So blessings on you as you continue sweeping and if that sweeping includes some serious cleaning supplies and sleepless nights, may God help you be faithful through it!
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