Sunday, August 12, 2012

Getting Bumped Into (I am sure that I am not a bumper!)

God made people.  He started with one man, this was "not good."  He made Eve.  They got together and low and behold they had children.  These children had some children. Then (grab your seat for this one) these people that where born from people, they had some people of their own.  I am hoping that I have utterly shocked you.  And I must continue on in the same shocking way to let you know that this has been going on since that the day way back in the garden  when God made Adam.  The thing about all of this is, we are people and we are around a bunch of other people.  This gets pretty messy.  People bump into one another.  We get bumped into and we do a fair share of bumping ourselves.  Jason is doing a sermon series on Colossians and wow is it good!!  I know that it is good because I have been blessed to sit in one place three Sundays in a row.  Anyone else know the glory of this?  Praise be for snacks that keep my Malachi happy and quiet during the sermon.  Anyway, this series in Collosians has been so good.  And one of the main points today was about this little problem of running into one another.  It is a problem don't ya know.  I have been bumped into and let me tell you, it is not a picnic.  I mean can you believe the nerve of some people!!  Back to the sermon: church is full of people and people run into one another.  Paul exhorts the saints in Colosse to bear with one another in love and thanksgiving.  There are many things to be said about bearing with one another but the gist is,  it is not pleasant or easy.  We are to strive for unity.  We are to suffer long with one another and we do this all in thanksgiving because of the gift we have received in Christ. And it is good to remember that the person that bumped into you is a saint.  Yes I did say that they are a saint.  Treat them this way when they forget it.  Treat them this way because when we are ugly (yes, we are bumping into others all of the time as well) God treats us this way.  In fact, we are numbered with the ones that yelled, "crucify Him." Remember that we love Him because He first loved us.  Remember that you where at enmity with God.  God came when we where a bunch of dead bones and breathed His living breath    into us.  We are to treat the brethren with humility knowing the gift that we have received.  When we are bumped into, be kind and suffer long, cover it with love, for your brother or sister.  If you have been doing some bumping, go and seek forgiveness.  Christ has died that we may have peace with Him and having peace with Him means that we strive to the utmost to have peace with one another.  And remember that you bump into your husband and children the most.  Learn this in your home.  Model for your children.  Have peace in the home and joy in the fellowship that God has given you in His Son.

1 comment:

  1. That was such a great sermon on Sunday! I've told everyone who missed it, to listen online!
