Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I Know How Much Syrup Is (and was) In the Bottle

Cedric is many things.  One of the them is a chef.  He helps with breakfast so often and is a huge blessing.  Today he manned the french toast.  I got things set up and left him to it.  I was busy getting everything ready for the day.  When I came to the table, the syrup was out, plates and forks where out and  Malachi and Cedric where eating their breakfast happily.  Cedric just turned 7.  Most moms would enter this scene and see that this little man is quite wonderful.  He is so competent in the kitchen and takes great care of his younger brother.  Cedric really should get a medal for "awesomeness."  But oh no, that is not what happened next.  Big bad mom enters the scene and what does she notice first......why has such much syrup been consumed!!!  Seriously, the injustice of the kids pouring too much syrup on their french toast!!  I mean, don't they know how much that stuff costs (I bought the real stuff after all).  And don't they know that I did not budget this in on my next grocery outing.  I was so put out.  I did a little investigating at this point.  I wanted to know who the culprit was!

I often pray and talk with mi hermanas about this little problem of being hyper-focused on the wrong things.  I keep track of things without knowing that I am doing it.  Seriously, who remembers how much syrup is in the bottle from the last time we used it?  This is such a good question.  I have a photo-graphic memory for things like this!!  And the next question one must ask is, who really cares?  I do!!  So I know my problem.  I know that it is petty and missing the greater point.  In this scene of my son being super awesome I point out that someone used too much syrup.  Talk about a really big squash fest.  

I am so glad that God does not treat me this way.  I bring him broken offerings and He delights in them! He uses my insufficient-ness by applying Christ's blood to it.  It is like the sacrifices of old.  Like a lamb, or a calf took away sins.  No, it has been and always will be the blood of Christ that changes us.  And this is all grace.  Grace changes us.  Not the big, bad critical mom.  I am a child.  My son is a child.  I have a different standard then God.  You would think that the Perfect one would be critical.  But no.  He knows that I could not fulfill the law.  He knew in the garden.  He knew when He gave the ten commandments.  He knew when he set up the sacrificial system.  He knew when He sent priests, judges, kings.....He knew that all of us throughout all time needed the same thing.  Jesus.  And it is Jesus everytime!

Here is to better imitating our Savior.  Here is to better imitating our Father.  And here is to getting over how much syrup is in the bottle!!!

1 comment:

  1. Preach it, cousin! I needed to hear this today. There are so many opportunities to be petty, but God gives more grace!
