Friday, August 10, 2012

Gaunt and Loving It

There is a table spread.  Great care has gone into the making of this feast.  There is a Lovely Lady handing out invitions, calling to all who are hungry, calling to all who are simple, to come and dine with her.  This table  is not just symbolic.  This table is God's table.  This is a table of joy and fellowship with the Maker of all things.  He wants to feed your hungry soul; He wants to make it fat.  This table is a way of life.  Who you eat with is important.  I think it is safe to say that it is what makes you who you are.  Food goes inside of you and bestow something to you.  It makes the hungry full.  It makes the thirsty satisfied.  It nourishes and strengthens you for the days work.  And at God's table, you eat heavenly food.  This food is for the soul.  This is food prepared by Him and it also goes inside of you and changes you.  It makes you more like Jesus. It gives you the strength you need to fight the great fight.  It gives you wisdom for the tasks at hand.  It gives peace where there is no peace.  It is heavenly food.  It makes the soul fat.

I cannot help but notice that skinny is so in.  Images of sunken cheeks overwhelm the covers of most magazines.  These women are wasting away.  We put them in pretty clothes, air blush them and then we are told that this is beautiful.  The problem is, too many of us listen to this message.  We need to take care what table we long for.  God's table of fat souls or skinny appetites that long for too little.  Too little on their bodies, too little in their souls.  We need to start listening to the Lovely Lady, to Lady Wisdom.  Two very different women inviting you to very different feasts.  One feast leads you to Christ, one to worldliness.  This is only extremely sad when christian women are tripped up by Lady Gaunt.  Lady Wisdom promises fullness and joy in God.  Lady Gaunt promises that your worldly desire to be envied will be satisfied.  One is full and one is empty.  Oh that God would send His Spirit and fill us with the desire to thirst after Him.  We need to be fed,  we need to sit at a table.  What table are we found at?  Are we at His table but looking at the feast of carrots and cucumbers and envying it?  May we be found at His table, eating His food with thanksgiving and laughter at the joy we have.  Here is to the full life, to the fat soul.


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